Unsurprisingly, artificial intelligence (AI) was one of the terms that was most frequently on the lips of nearly every speaker and attendee at MFM's 63rd annual conference in Los Angeles last month. One of the standing-room-only breakout sessions of the conference, "How to Lead a Strategic Discussion on AI: What CFOs Need to Know," was led by Daniel Anstandig, CEO of Futuri Media, whose products help media companies grow their content, audience and revenue. Anstandig's post-session interview with John Sanders of Bond & Pecaro, one of MFMInSites's regular "Office Hours" contributors, provided context around AI's stratospheric growth, and even a bit of a warning around the power of unregulated, unrestrained AI. Noting that it took ChatGPT just six weeks to reach the same adoption rates as it took Netflix 10 years to accomplish, he discussed whether the 1968 film 2001 A Space Odessey may have been prescient; why we're at the precipice of what AI is capable of -- and what we're teaching it; where the responsibility for creating accountable AI lies, and why he believes the media industry can and should embrace it. "This is a great time for leaders in our industry to have a really clear, conscientious plan to use [AI] and make it part of our operations," Anstandig said, "because it's here and it's transforming our industry."
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