China to Hollywood: Don’t Quit Your Day Job
The box office results in China for Hollywood's big budget films are in, and so is the message from Chinese movie goers.
Captivate and Partners Swing Big With Golf Car Ad Opportunity
As a professional golfer, Greg Norman has 89 worldwide wins including the 1986 and 1993 Open Championships (a.k.a. the British Open). As an entrepreneur, he is equally accomplished with a portfolio of companies including apparel, interior design, real estate, wine, golf course design, golf car technology and a start-up disruptor golf tour, LIV Golf.
4As Decisions 2022: Dispelling Myths and Revealing Truths About Gaming for Brands
At the recent 4As Decisions 2022 conference a panel of senior marketing executives set out to "myth bust" the stereotypes and false impressions that many marketers have around advertising within videogames. The topics ranged from the under-appreciation of gaming as an ad vehicle, how to kickstart brands new to the space and how to engage gaming communities to brand safety and overall metrics.
Royal Treatment: The Anything-Goes World of Bespoke Luxury Automobiles
In most cases, if you hang a $1.5 million Pagani Zonda R race car vertically on the wall of your oceanfront condo in Miami, it will leak oil all over the expensive carpeting. But not if no expenses are spared and you hire high-end general contractors Finish My Condo and a team from Pagani to remove the engine and figure out the engineering logistics, which include interfacing with the city's building department and the county to make sure the whole thing is legal. At one point during the process, 25 people were on site.
Village Soapbox: Recommended Reads from MediaVillage -- Week Ending 9/11/2020
Here are some of the top stories from MediaVillage this week that you may have missed.
Digital Billboards: A Game Changer for Auto Advertisers in the Out-of-Home Market
Never heard of Jared Bell? You're forgiven, but in the 1830s he put up America's first billboards—advertising circuses like Barnum and Bailey. Outdoor display billboards—often hand-painted, labor-intensive affairs—got started in the 1860s. But it was the popularity of the Model T Ford (which put Americans on wheels) and then the interstate highway system (in the 50s) that really made billboards popular and successful.
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