Who We Are: Insights into the Media Advertising Community

The Myers Report
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The media advertising community is a dynamic and diverse industry with professionals from various backgrounds and demographics. In June 2024, The Myers Report conducted a comprehensive survey involving 3,462 advertising professionals, funded by leading media companies, and distributed through partners like Publicis Media, GroupM, dentsu Americas, Canvas Worldwide, Association of National Advertisers, American Association of Advertising Agencies, and Media Financial Management Association. This report provides a detailed analysis of the demographic composition of our industry, highlighting key insights and perspectives. Proprietary data from the full report is being presented to survey underwriters and distribution partners.

Demographic Breakdown:

- Gender Identity
- Female: 65%
- Male: 33%
- Non-Binary / Gender Fluid: 1%
- Prefer not to answer: 1%

Age Distribution

- 18-34 years: 52%
- 35-64 years: 47%
- 65+ years: 1%


- American Indian or Native American: 1%
- Asian: 10%
- South Asian: 2%
- Middle Eastern: 2%
- Black or African American: 8%
- Caucasian or White: 69%
- Hispanic / Latino: 12%
- Pacific Islander: 1%
- Prefer not to say: 4%
- Prefer another ethnicity: 1%

Other Demographics

- LGBTQ+: 11%
- Disabled / Other-abled: 4%
- Military Veteran: 1%
- Parents with children at home: 24%

Key Insights and Perspectives

Gender Diversity:

The media advertising industry showcases a significant female majority, with women making up 65% of the workforce. This gender distribution highlights the industry's appeal to female professionals and reflects ongoing efforts towards gender diversity and inclusion. However, the presence of non-binary and gender-fluid individuals, though small at 1%, points towards an evolving recognition and acceptance of diverse gender identities.

Age Distribution:

The age distribution reveals a balanced mix between younger professionals (18-34 years) and mid-career professionals (35-64 years), with the former slightly leading at 52%. This balance ensures a blend of fresh perspectives and experienced insights within the industry. The minimal representation of those 65 and older indicates potential challenges in retaining senior talent or attracting them to the industry.

Ethnic Diversity:

Caucasians or Whites dominate the industry at 69%, followed by Hispanic/Latino (12%), Asian (10%), and Black or African American (8%). This demographic data underscores the need for continued efforts towards enhancing ethnic diversity, ensuring that the industry is more reflective of the broader population.

Inclusivity of Minority Groups:

The representation of LGBTQ+ individuals at 11% suggests a relatively inclusive environment for sexual minorities. Similarly, the presence of disabled or other-abled individuals at 4% calls for greater accessibility and support within the workplace.

Parental Support:

A notable 24% of professionals are parents with children at home, highlighting the need for family-friendly policies and flexible work arrangements to support work-life balance.


The media advertising community is characterized by a strong female presence, a balanced age distribution, and a growing inclusivity of various minority groups. However, there is a clear need for further efforts to enhance ethnic diversity and support for underrepresented groups. The ongoing surveys and reports by The Myers Report aim to provide valuable insights and drive positive changes within the industry, ensuring it remains dynamic, inclusive, and reflective of societal progress.

These tables provide a comprehensive view of the demographic landscape within the media advertising community, highlighting the diverse and inclusive nature of our industry while also pointing out areas for improvement and growth.


The results presented in this report are based on a survey conducted by The Myers Report in June 2024, involving 3,462 advertising professionals. While the respondent base is representative of the media advertising community, it is important to note that the results are influenced by the characteristics of those who volunteered to respond to the survey request. Participation was incentivized with offerings such as contributions to continuing education or college loan relief, an Oculus Quest, and $50 gift certificates. The survey responses are subject to self-selection bias, meaning those who chose to participate may differ in significant ways from those who did not. As a result, the findings may not fully represent the views and experiences of the entire industry. The incentives offered for participation may have influenced the respondent pool, attracting individuals who were motivated by these rewards. While efforts were made to ensure a diverse and representative sample, caution should be exercised when generalizing these results to the broader population of media advertising professionals. The data collected is based on self-reported information, which can be subject to inaccuracies or biases inherent in self-reporting. The Myers Report aims to provide valuable insights into the media advertising community through regular reports. However, readers should consider these limitations when interpreting the findings and making decisions based on this report.

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