Village Soapbox: Recommended Reads from MediaVillage -- Week Ending 9/11/2020

By Media Minute with Jeff Minsky Archives
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Here are some of the top stories from MediaVillage this week that you may have missed.

Newly instated Executive Director of and frequent MediaVillage author, Phil McKenzie penned a thought-provoking piece on the challenges facing black-owned media and comments by media mogul Byron Allen on a recent panel where he bluntly called out "systemic racism on Madison Avenue" as the reason that "black-owned media is done".
Black-Owned Media Matters: The Power of Inclusion and Long Term Partnerships

In a very personal piece, Ainsley Andrade, a regular contributor to MediaVillage, wrote a moving overview of and tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman. His passing was way too soon, but his impact was more than most of us make in a lifetime.
Chadwick Boseman: Young, Black, and Gifted

Want to go Behind the Scenes in Hollywood? Our West Coast insider, Steve Gidlow, gets you the real scoop on the return of Derek Hough to Dancing with the Stars on ABC. Find out why Derek may have put away his shoes for this season but believes that the show is good for the sole!
Derek Hough on Judging "Dancing With the Stars": 'Good for the Soul'

Auto expert Jim Motavalli presents compelling case studies from Porsche, Kia, and Quip showing the power of Digital Billboards.
Digital Billboards: A Game Changer for Auto Advertisers in the Out-Of-Home Market

ROI Experts, Bill Harvey and Rick Bruner take a hard look at Random Control Trial methodology, for media budget allocation, that might just be a much better fit for companies to follow than the traditional Media Mix Modeling method in a world where last year's results are unlikely to be reliably predictive.
Coca Cola Leads Brave New World for Marketers

Finally, do not miss what promises to be an epic Live Stream of Hollywood proportions on Tuesday September 15th at 1pm EST as Jack Myers acknowledges the re-opening of movie theaters with a panel including President of National CineMedia (NCM) Cliff Marks and CMO of Regal Cinemas, Ken Thewes in a very timely and important Leadership Conversation.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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