Unlocking Career Growth: New Survey Reveals Key Gaps and Opportunities in Employee Development and Satisfaction Across Advertising Industry

The following report, based on data collected by The Myers Report in May 2024, provides a focused analysis of the advertising and media ecosystem's engagement with diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). The survey, conducted for the MediaVillage Education Foundation in collaboration with the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A's), Media Financial Management Association (MFM), and six leading agencies, and funded by 20 major media sales organizations, seeks to offer insights into various aspects of employee engagement, career development, learning opportunities, and overall job satisfaction. For additional survey details visit www.MyersReports.com.


The purpose of this analysis is to provide detailed insights into employee perceptions across six respondent groups defined by their management level and responsibilities. The focus is on understanding the levels of agreement with statements related to career advancement, learning opportunities, company support, and job satisfaction. The analysis aims to highlight areas of strong agreement and identify opportunities for improvement to foster a more supportive and inclusive work environment.

The survey asked respondents to indicate their level of agreement (strongly agree, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, disagree strongly) with several statements. The percentages represent the proportion of respondents who either strongly or somewhat agreed with each statement.

Statements and Agreement Levels

1. Clear opportunities for advancement and career development within the company:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 73%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 73%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 62%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 65%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 64%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 71%

2. Creates opportunities for me to attend events, conferences, and gatherings to meet and learn from others inside the organization:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 83%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 81%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 75%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 76%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 79%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 80%

3. Creates opportunities for me to attend events, conferences, and gatherings to meet and learn from others outside the organization:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 68%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 64%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 54%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 55%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 62%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 61%

4. Creates opportunities for me to meet and socialize with others outside the organization and in the industry:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 65%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 62%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 51%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 55%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 52%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 58%

5.I feel that my work is purposeful and meaningful:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 77%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 73%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 73%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 70%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 86%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 82%

6. I feel that my company has clear and meaningful purpose and makes a positive contribution to society and culture:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 82%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 75%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 77%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 71%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 82%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 78%

7. The company provides me with subscriptions to trade publications and other resources to keep me current on the business:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 57%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 45%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 50%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 42%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 54%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 49%

8. I have access to continued education opportunities provided and/or funded by my company:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 75%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 66%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 67%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 70%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 62%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 69%

9. I would like to have greater access to on-demand learning resources that would assist me in preparing for meetings, presentations, and my overall work performance:

- Junior Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 80%

- Junior Professional, with others reporting to me: 85%

- Mid-Level Professional, with no one directly reporting to me: 75%

- Mid-Level Professional, with others reporting to me: 75%

- Senior Executive, with no one directly reporting to me: 60%

- Senior Executive, with others reporting to me: 65%

Analysis and Commentary

The data shows generally positive responses across all nine categories, indicating a strong level of agreement among respondents regarding various aspects of their work environment and opportunities for development.

Highest Agreement: The statement "Creates opportunities for me to attend events, conferences, and gatherings to meet and learn from others inside the organization" received the highest overall agreement, particularly from junior professionals with no direct reports (83%) and senior executives with others reporting to them (80%). This indicates that many employees feel their companies facilitate internal learning and networking opportunities.

Lowest Agreement: The statement "The company provides me with subscriptions to trade publications and other resources to keep me current on the business" had the lowest agreement, especially among junior professionals with others reporting to them (45%) and mid-level professionals with others reporting to them (42%). This suggests that companies may need to invest more in providing resources to help employees stay informed about industry trends.

Specific Differences Within Categories

Opportunities for Advancement:Both junior professionals with no direct reports and those with direct reports show strong agreement (73%). However, mid-level professionals with no direct reports show the lowest agreement (62%), indicating that this group may feel more stagnant in their career progression.

Internal Events and Conferences:Strong agreement across all groups, but slightly lower for mid-level professionals with no direct reports (75%), suggesting that this group may feel less engaged with internal learning opportunities.

External Events and Conferences: Junior professionals with no direct reports (68%) and senior executives with no direct reports (62%) show the highest agreement, indicating that these groups may have more opportunities for external learning and networking compared to mid-level professionals.

Socialization Opportunities: Senior executives with others reporting to them show strong agreement (82%), suggesting that those in higher positions feel more supported in building industry connections. In contrast, mid-level professionals with no direct reports show lower agreement (51%), indicating a potential need for more socialization opportunities for this group.

Purpose and Contribution: High agreement across all groups, especially among senior executives with no direct reports (86%) and junior professionals with no direct reports (82%), suggesting that employees generally feel their companies have a meaningful purpose.

Trade Publications and Resources: Lower agreement among junior professionals with others reporting to them (45%) and mid-level professionals with others reporting to them (42%), indicating a gap in resources for staying current on industry developments.

Continued Education: Generally positive responses, with the highest agreement from junior professionals with no direct reports (75%). However, senior executives with no direct reports show the lowest agreement (62%), suggesting a need for more tailored educational opportunities for this group.

On-Demand Learning Resources: Strong desire across all groups, especially among junior professionals with others reporting to them (85%) and junior professionals with no direct reports (80%), indicating a high demand for accessible learning tools.


Based on the analysis, here are some recommendations to address the identified gaps and improve overall employee engagement and satisfaction:

1. Enhance Career Development Programs: Develop clear career paths and progression opportunities, especially for mid-level professionals who feel less supported in their advancement.

2. Invest in Learning and Development: Increase access to both internal and external learning opportunities, ensuring that all employees, particularly mid-level professionals, feel engaged and supported.

3. Provide Industry Resources: Improve access to trade publications and other resources to help employees stay informed about industry trends, particularly for junior and mid-level professionals.

4. Facilitate Networking and Socialization: Create more opportunities for employees to socialize and build industry connections, focusing on groups that feel less supported in this area.

5. Tailored Educational Opportunities: Offer continued education and on-demand learning resources tailored to the needs of different employee groups, ensuring that all employees have the tools they need to succeed.


The data from The Myers Report highlights areas of strength and opportunities for improvement within the advertising and media ecosystem. By addressing career development, learning opportunities, resource provision, and networking, organizations can create a more supportive and inclusive environment. This will not only enhance employee engagement and satisfaction but also drive better outcomes for the industry as a whole. For more details and information contact jack@mediavillage.org

Jack Myers

Media Ecologist, Founder: MediaVillage and Advancing Diversity Hall of Honors Jack Myers is a media ecologist and founder of MediaVillage, the media and advertising community’s leading resource for market intelligence, education, business connection… read more