The CEO's Guide to Mobile World Congress 2017

Consumers in Motion Group compiled a daily summary of the key highlights at Mobile World Congress 2017. MWC offers a wide array of content sessions for attendees. The partner programs provides rich and immersive content while the GSMA seminars provide the fundamental information needed to navigate the impact of rapid changes in both technology and consumer behavior, which impact organizations bottom lines. The event is unmatched in the quality and depth of the content and the variety of exhibitors. What follows is a day-by-day overview.

Monday Conference Agenda

9:00 -- 10:30 Keynote 1: Mobile. The Next Element.  How can we describe the role of mobile in today’s world? Mobile has become fundamental to the everyday lives of nearly five billion people. Mobile is revolutionary, dynamic, personal and ever adapting. Mobile is the force behind every emerging innovation. The opening keynote of the 2017 Mobile World Congress will feature CEOs from some of the world’s leading operators, taking to the stage to discuss the short and long term challenges and opportunities facing the mobile industry and share insights on how the operator community in particular can continue to play a central role in supporting global economic growth and social capital. Hall 4 Auditorium 1

10:30 Networking Breakfast

11:00 -- 12:10 The Disruptive Impact of Blockchain.  Blockchain first rose to prominence as the digital engine of the Bitcoin currency. Blockchain’s ability to record data such as transactions, contracts and agreements and have them verified by users of the distributed ledger means that the technology has the potential to disrupt in a range of industries such as financial services, telecoms, legal, manufacturing, and transportation. Hall 4 Auditorium 5

11:00 -- 12:10 Artificial Intelligence: Chatbots and Virtual Assistants. Natural language processing has reached an important milestone. Sophisticated chatbots are now available as white label and open source offerings while larger technology companies are releasing Virtual Personal Assistants capable of performing complex tasks via voice commands, from ordering goods and services to acting as a smart hub for smart homes. Hall 4 Auditorium 3

11:00 -- 12:10 The Industrial Internet.  Industrial Internet and massive IoT have the opportunity to increase productivity and streamline industrial manufacturing technology by accumulating and making sense of data from production lines and equipment. F Hall 4 Auditorium 2

12:30 -- 13:30 Keynote 2: The Digital Economy.  The digital economy, catalyzed by the rapid proliferation of mobile technologies, will continue to transform how we do business and how we interact with our partners, customers and consumers. Hall 4 Auditorium 1

13:30 -- 15:00 Networking Lunch featuring the Showcase Stage 2 Hall 4 Showcase Stage

15:00 -- 16:00 Keynote 3: Connected Vehicles Managing the transition from manually driven cars to autonomous, and preparing the infrastructure to facilitate this technology will be a lengthy challenge from a technological, regulatory and societal stand point, but it is happening right now. Hall 4 Auditorium 1

16:00 -- 16:15 Networking Break

16:15 -- 17:45 Global Innovations in Media & Content: Publishing and Delivery In order to remain relevant and diversify revenue streams, news, media and publishing businesses are re-imagining their business strategies and innovating in their approach to delivering news and content. Long-form, short-form, off-platform, user-generated and citizen journalism are all being embraced as part of this transformation. In mobile-first, or mobile-only markets, such as Latin America and Africa, the need for relevant and local content has never been greater. Hear from a range of companies that are revolutionizing the publication and delivery of content globally. Hall 4 Auditorium 5

16:15 -- 17:45 Building Positive Engagements with the Connected Consumer Simply put, brand equity equals margin, but that’s a tough reality in today’s market. To maintain relevance and ultimately profitability, operators need to identify impactful moments to interact with their customers. Hall 4 Auditorium 3

17:45 -- 18:00 Networking Break

18:00 -- 18:45 Keynote 4: Reed Hastings, CEO and Founder, Netflix Hall 4 Auditorium 1

Partner Programs

9:30 h -- 16:30 h Modern Marketing Summit Hall 8.0 NEXTech Theatre B

9:15 h -- 13:00 h OLAY Global Skincare Brand Olay is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to transform the way that women shop for beauty products. With the launch of Olay Skin Advisor, a new global platform built on a suite of AI technologies, Olay is helping women understand their skin better than ever before. Hall 8.0 NEXTech Theatre E

11:00 h -- 14:00 h Gionee Hall 8.0 NEXTech Theatre

11:00 h -- 12:00 h Global IoT Summit Huawei Products and Solutions Launch Verizon Hall 3, Stand 3D30 2017

15:00h -- 17:00 h Adobe Transform Your Business with Powerful Digital Experiences

Fira Montjuïc

4YFN (4 Years From Now) YoMo


11:00 – 13:00 Mobile Connect : Delivering Global Mobile Identity Services Mobile Connect, the mobile industry’s secure digital identity service, is gaining momentum. Operators in many countries are now collaborating to offer country-wide identity services to digital service providers and consumers alike. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1

13:30–15:30 Network 2020–5G Beyond Technology into Business Impact The web is awash with information about what 5G will deliver: extraordinarily fast broadband, highly responsive connectivity, ultra dense clusters of connections but beyond the technology how will it impact business? CC1 Seminar Theatre 1

16:00–18:00 Mobile For Development Innovate To Lead: A New Approach to Delivering Customer Value, Revenue and Impact This seminar will discover innovative products and services already launched by mobile operators and their partners in emerging markets and will explore how to create socio-economic impact, deliver customer value and ensure revenue generation. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1.

Tuesday Conference Agenda 

9:00 – 10:30 Keynote 5: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals through Mobile Connectivity is one of the most important enablers of social development and economic growth in our time. With 5.6 billion people expected to have access to mobile services by 2020, mobile networks are transforming the world and are essential in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Whether it’s ensuring healthy lives, achieving gender equality or helping to combat climate change, mobile provides the platform for overturning the status quo. Hall 4 Auditorium 1 

10:30 – 11:00 Networking Break featuring the Showcase Stage 4 

11:00 – 12:00 Keynote 6: Building the 5G Economy With 5G technology fast approaching, the mobile industry and policy markets are increasingly focused on the potential for new services and applications that can transform the way people live, work, play and communicate. Hall 4 Auditorium 1 

12:15 -- 13:15 The Digital Enterprise and EmployeesDigital transformation affects both employees and the culture and layout of traditionally “offline” businesses. Hall 4 Auditorium 3 

12:15 – 13:15 Accelerating Universal Financial Access Marking a decade in mobile money, this session will welcome a panel of high-profile leaders in financial inclusion. Examining how the mobile money industry has disrupted the financial services sector over the last ten years, this session will discuss regulatory and commercial achievements and further opportunities for delivering digital and financial inclusion for women. Hall 4 Auditorium 5 

12:15 – 13:15 The Future of Messaging: Engagement, eCommerce and Bots Messaging apps have over 4 billion monthly active users (September 2016). Whatsapp, Line, Kik, Telegram or Wechat are some of the most popular mobile apps for consumers. Hall 4 Auditorium 2 1

2:15 – 13:15 Mobile VR: Enhancing the Entertainment Experience This session will focus on how VR can transform the future of video, entertainment and user-generated content, become more accessible while also increasing the level of quality content to consumers. Hall 4 Auditorium 4 

13:15 – 14:00 Networking Lunch featuring the Showcase Stage 5 Following its resounding success at Mobile World Congress 2016, we are bringing the Showcase Stage back for 2017. Hall 4 Showcase Stage 

14:00 – 15:00 Optimizing for Exceptional Video Experiences The need for high-quality, on-demand video is showing no signs of slowing. Mobile data traffic is set to grow 15 fold by the end of 2017, driven mainly by video. 

14:00 – 15:00 Consumer Data: Privacy and Opportunity Personal data is becoming a valuable commodity, but people lack transparency in how their data is being used and by whom. Hall 4 Auditorium 3 

14:00 – 15:00 Cars as a Service Connected vehicles will not only be driverless, but ownerless, especially in crowded urban area. Hall 4 Auditorium 2 

14:00 – 15:00 AI Assisted Society: Digital Health and Beyond The amount of data generated by our connected societies is already proving to be a challenge to traditional big data analytics methodologies and this trend will only be compounded as data volumes grow exponentially. Hall 4 Auditorium 5 

15:00 – 15:30 Networking Break featuring the Showcase Stage 6. Hall 4--Showcase Stage 

15:30 – 16:40 Sustainable Development Goals: Industry Case Studies The mobile industry has a critical role implementing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Mobile networks continue to transform the world and this session will examine uses of technology for sustainable development and humanitarian goals, exploring the needs, feasibility and execution of mobile technology in both developing and developed communities. Hall 4 Auditorium 5 

15:30 – 16:40 Disrupting the Marketplace: The Sharing Economy The sharing economy is a democratized marketplace connecting consumers and providers of technology-driven services. From accommodation and cars to online staffing, new services are launching at a rapid pace across the globe as more consumers are realizing the benefits of consuming services using this democratized approach. Hall 4 Auditorium 4 

15:30 – 16:40 NFV: A Re-ExaminationNetwork virtualization was originally developed “to address the ossification of the internet”. However, in the past few years attention has shifted towards running telecoms networks cheaper and more flexibly. Not surprisingly, this change of direction has led to significant opportunities being overlooked. Hall 4 Auditorium 3 

15:30 – 16:40 Disrupting the Marketplace: The Sharing Economy The sharing economy is a democratized marketplace connecting consumers and providers of technology-driven services. Hall 4 Auditorium 4 

15:30 – 16:40 Smart Cities, Connected Citizens Smart cities are hardly a new concept, but the suite of services and applications that are now available to deployment is ever expanding. Cities are becoming smarter, more efficient and, to an extent, autonomous in its decision making. Hall 4 Auditorium 2 

17:00 – 18:30 Keynote 7: The Content Gold Rush Content is undergoing another significant period of disruption and acquisition, not least from mobile operators themselves, who see content as the key to customer acquisition and retention. Hall 4 Auditorium 1 

17:00--19:00 Women 4Tech Speed Coaching & Networking. Outdoor Garden H3-H5 

Partner Programs

IAB IAB Private Hall 8 

Being Human-First in a Digital World McCann There continue to be incredible advancements in technology: Bots, IOT, AR/VR and, of course AI. But that doesn’t mean that as marketers we should be jumping from one thing to the next, willy-nilly. Hall 8.0 NEXTech Theatre F 

GTI GTI Summit 2017. Hall 8.0 NEXTech Theatre A 

PWC Digital Revolution Summit. Hall 8.0 NEXTech Theatre D 

Ministerial Program 

Fira Montjuïc 

4YFN (4 Years From Now) 



9:30 – 11:30 Network 2020: A New Global Platform for Conversations, Chatbots & Commerce Messaging platforms are now bigger than most social networks and this trend looks set to continue in 2017 with bots playing a prominent role. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1 

12:00 – 14:00 Connected Living--IoT Elements: Bringing The Smart City To Life With 27 billion devices connected globally by 2025, the evolution of smart cities will change our everyday lives, from improving traffic flow to managing pollution and energy efficiency. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1 14:30–16:30 Mobile Connect — Evolving The Landscape For High Security Authentication (PSD2, Biometrics and Blockchain) Secure authentication increasingly underpins the future prosperity and economic viability of online services and transactions. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1 

17:00 – 18:30 Remote SIM Provisioning for Consumer Devices E-SIM The GSMA has now released the second version of its global specification that enables Remote SIM Provisioning in any consumer device. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1 impact, deliver customer value and ensure revenue generation. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1.

Wednesday Conference Agenda

9:00 – 10:30 Keynote 8: The Fourth Industrial Revolution We are at the beginning of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we interact with each other, our working environment, companies, brands and governments. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unprecedented. Hall 4 Auditorium 1 

10:30 – 11:00 Networking Break featuring the Showcase Stage 7 

11:00 – 12:10 Disruption in Digital Finance Disruption in financial services is unprecedented today and can be seen throughout the industry such as in payments, remittances, savings, loans and insurance. Hall 4 Auditorium 5 

11:00 – 12:10 Network Analytics and Machine Learning Operators have never had a shortage of data and metadata to use for network optimization; the challenge has lain in bringing it together and analyzing it in ways which provide usable lessons. Hall 4 Auditorium 3 

11:00 – 12:10 Enabling IoT Platforms By 2025, Machina Research estimates that public and private enterprises will be spending over US$1 Trillion on IoT. As the volume of services, data and opportunities continue to expand, enabling technologies and platforms will need to surface and be widely adopted to create an IoT ecosystem across industry sectors. Hall 4 Auditorium 2 

11:00 – 12:10 The Power of Personalization The combination of personalization and recommendation when applied to video can be a powerful tool and with the huge array of viewing options available to customers these days, offering a user-friendly, personalized content experience is critical. Hall 4 Auditorium 4 

12:15 – 13:15 Keynote 9: Connecting the Main Event Mobile technology plays a pivotal role in the modern event experience, from broadcasting, fan engagement, crowd management, to ticketing and security. In effect it is a showcase for how mobile can be used diversely and most effectively. Hall 4 Auditorium 1

13:30 – 14:15 Networking Lunch featuring the Showcase Stage 8 

14:15 – 15:40 Disruption at the Network Edge The growth in network traffic to be managed in the coming years is staggering, no matter whose projections you use. Hall 4 Auditorium 3 

14:15 – 15:40 Enabling IoT Security A significant amount of IoT projects do not make it past the prototype stage due to security concerns. Investment is increasing to meet this challenge and secure not only active IoT solutions, but future use-cases. Hall 4 Auditorium 2 

14:15 – 15:40 Artificial Intelligence: Automation and Robotics Robots are already taking over the world, efficiently and successfully replacing humans to build, defend, heal, explore and entertain. Hall 4 Auditorium 5

14:15 – 15:40 Acquire, Aggregate, Partner? Creating value for Telcos in Content Content is an area that represents huge potential for growth for operators. There are many routes into, and business model approaches for, content. Hall 4 Auditorium 4 

16:00 – 17:00 Keynote 10: Conversational Commerce Messaging apps are at the heart of the mobile experience, the most frequently used application on almost every smartphone. Hall 4 Auditorium 1 

Partner Programs 

9:00 – 12:00 Neustar OneID for Trusted Brand Connections. Hall 8 

9:15–10:45 Palo Alto Networks Threat Prevention--Internet of Things. Hall 8 

11:30 – 12:30 Palo Alto Networks Next-Gen Security in SDN/NFV Deployments. Hall 8

10:00–18:00 MMIX The New Digital Media and Entertainment Dynamics. Hall 8 

11:00 – 13:30 Verizon How and Why Verizon Made TV Cool Again. Hall 8 

11:00 – 13:30 Verizon Carrier-Specific Private Cloud Computing. Hall 8

11:00 – 13:30 Verizon Guide to Monetizing All Things Connected. Hall 8 

11:00 – 13:30 Verizon Petabytes of Data, Almost As Many Uses. Hall 8 

14:30 -- 19:00 Visa Ready Summit. Hall 8

15:00 -- 16:00 Check Point (Partner Event) Welcome to the Future of Cyber Security (1). Hall 8 

Fira Montjuïc 4YFN (4 Years From Now) 



8:30 – 10:30 GSMA Marketplace -- Best Practices for Procurement in the Mobile Ecosystem While mobile technology continues to evolve and advance at an incredible pace, have the procurement practices in the industry kept up? CC1 Seminar Theatre 1 

11:00 – 13:00 Mobile Connect How Global Brands are Protecting Consumers and Reducing Fraud Mobile Connect has a key role to play in combating fraud and ensuring consumers are able to log into digital services safely and securely. In an era of unprecedented fraud and technological awareness, consumers are reluctant to initiate transactions and provide information. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1 

16:00 – 17:30 Drones, Phones and Automobiles: Privacy and Transparency Across the Mobile Ecosystem Autonomous drones, mobile networks and the Internet of Things are changing the shape of the digital economy: the data we collect, how we use it and who is responsible for it are constantly evolving. CC1 Seminar Theatre 2 

16:00 – 18:00 Mobile for Development -- Innovate To Lead: Taking New Mobile Solutions from Concept to Scale This seminar will zoom-in on product-level challenges in the M4D space. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1.impact, deliver customer value and ensure revenue generation. CC1 Seminar Theatre 1

Thursday Conference Agenda

9:30 – 11:00 Keynote 11: Start Up Innovation Innovation is the life blood of the tech industry, whose rapid product lifecycles create a constant need for renewal and therefore disruption. Key to this is a start-up community injecting innovation and vibrancy into the digital economy. Hall 4 Auditorium 1 

11:00 – 11:30 Networking Break featuring the Showcase Stage 9

11:30 – 13:00 AR/VR Software, Platforms and UIs As with most emerging hardware platforms, success and uptake is dependent on a number of software centric issues such as: quality of developer tools and platforms, UI and the user experience it dictates, quality of content supported. AR and VR will share a number of common solutions in this field due to the similar nature of their function. Hall 4 Auditorium 4 

11:30 – 13:00 Consumer Advertising and the MNO Operators are sitting on a wealth of under-leveraged consumer data. Today’s customer demands a hyper-personalized, contextualized and tailored experience. It is estimated that mobile operators can increase global data revenues by $47 billion with upsell offers based on real-time customer context. Hall 4 Auditorium 3 

11:30 – 13:00 5G Impact From revolution to evolution, 5G will change the way mobile works and how it is used. Hall 4 Auditorium 5

11:30 – 13:00 Mobile Innovation: The Start Up Pitch Showcase This innovation-focused session will feature a panel of well-established industry experts, including founders and investors who will discuss what it takes to become a successful enterprise. Hall 4 Auditorium 2 

13:00 – 14:00 Networking Lunch: The Wrap 

14:00 – 15:10 The Fan Experience Connectivity is shaping the way in which we watch and experience live sporting events. Hall 4 Auditorium 2 

14:00 – 15:10 The AR/VR Hardware Challenge 2016 has been a breakout year for both VR and AR, the former grabbing all the headlines, the latter quietly but quickly growing in value. Hall 4 Auditorium 4

14:00 – 15:10 Social Engineering: Hacking the User Many people in the security world would say that networks aren’t secure enough; not the Internet, not the nascent IoT, not even mobile networks. Hall 4 Auditorium 3 

Partner Programs 

9:00 -- 14:30 From Datacom to IoT, Enabled by Graphene. Hall 8 

9:30 -- 16:00 Gamelab Mobile 201. Hall 8 

9:30 -- 16:00 The Future of Identity -- Expert Panel. Hall 8 

9:30 -- 16:00 PGi and the Future of Mobile Collaboration. Hall 8 

9:30 -- 16:00 Women4Tech Summit. Auditorium A, Hall 4 

9:30 -- 16:00 IDE -- International Drone Expo and Drone Summit. Hall 8

11:30 -- 12:30 Get Personal with Customer Connections. Hall 8

Fira Montjuïc 4YFN (4 Years From Now) 


Seminars 9:30 – 11:30 Mobile World Capital: A Mobile Identity Solution to Streamline Public and Private Institution’s Delivery of Digital Services TBD

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Daniel Hodges

Daniel Hodges 丹尼尔霍奇斯 is CEO, Retail Store Tours - A CIM Company. Retail Store Tours are curated store experiences selected based on a company’s business objectives, ushering in a new era of learning, networking and fun. We meet with disruptive inn… read more