Historically, this is the time of year when people are supposed to begin getting excited about the new and returning programs to come in September, when the new television season officially begins. If that's still the case, I'm not feeling it. Could it be the collective distractions of the streamers? The current excitement of the Olympics (despite declining linear ratings)? The wealth of new programming currently populating even the broadcast networks? All those shows on The CW that are usually identified as September-May staples playing out with new episodes throughout the summer? The growing lack of interest by the American viewing public in broadcast series programming (with the notable exception of crime shows and detective dramas)? The absolute absence of catchy and alluring promotional campaigns, the likes of which has all of us salivating for the arrival of broadcast's annual premiere week throughout the '60s, '70s and '80s? More likely all the above are at play. And then there's this: There are so many gems on television right now that the idea of them ending as the fall season begins isn't sitting well.

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