Survey of Advertising Industry Professionals on Inclusion and Belonging Report on Working Scenario: On-Site vs. Remote

The Myers Report
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NOTE FOR THE MYERS REPORT PARTNERS AND UNDERWRITERS: The full 9-page PDF report is available for download below. Those interested in the full report may contact

The Myers Report 2024 Survey of Advertising Industry Professionals offers a detailed exploration of current and ideal working scenarios within the industry. The survey, conducted among a diverse group of professionals, provides critical insights into how different demographics, levels of experience, and organizational roles influence preferences for on-site, hybrid, and fully remote work environments. This report is particularly valuable for leaders in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), Human Resources (HR), and People Management, offering actionable insights and recommendations for aligning work arrangements with employee expectations. The data is broken down by gender, age group, ethnicity, and LGBTQ+ identity, providing insight into preferences for on-site, hybrid, and fully remote work environments.

While there are different realities uncovered toward fully remote and hybrid scenarios among corporate partners who participated in The Myers Report 2024 Survey, there are clear preferences towards remote and hybrid work scenarios. Companies should consider these preferences when designing their future workplace strategies to retain talent and promote inclusion and belonging. The industry has clearly moved towards a more flexible and employee-centric approach, with remote work playing an increasingly significant role in the ideal work-life balance for many professionals.

Key Findings

  1. Current Work Scenario
    • Hybrid Work Dominates: A significant majority (74%) of advertising professionals are currently working in a hybrid scenario, splitting their time between on-site and remote work. This trend is consistent across most demographics, with minor variations.
    • Fully Remote Work: 25% f respondents work entirely remotely. Older professionals (55+) are more likely to be in fully remote roles, with 33% reporting this as their current scenario. In contrast, only 20% of the youngest age group (18-34) are fully remote.
    • Minimal On-Site Presence: Only 1% of respondents are working fully on-site. This is uniformly low across all demographics, indicating a significant industry-wide shift away from traditional office settings.
  2. Ideal Work Scenario
    • Increased Preference for Fully Remote Work: When asked abut their ideal work scenario, 34% of respondents expressed a desire to work fully remotely, a 9% increase from those currently doing so. This indicates a growing preference for remote work, especially among certain demographic groups.
    • Hybrid Still Preferred but Slightly Reduced: While hybrid work remains the most preferred scenario at 64%, this is a slight decrease from the current 74%, suggesting that some professionals would prefer to shift towards fully remote work if given the choice.
    • Age Differences: The older age group (55+) continues to show a higher preference for fully remote work (37%) compared to the youngest group (18-34) at 33%.
    • Gender and Age Dynamics: Women and older professionals (55+) exhibit a slightly higher preference for fully remote work, although hybrid work remains the dominant choice across all age groups. The preference for hybrid work is consistent across genders, with minor variations.
  3. Ethnic and Identity Groups: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and LGBTQ+ respondents exhibit a notable preference for fully remote work, higher than other groups.

The Myers Report 2024 Survey provides critical insights into the evolving work preferences of advertising industry professionals. As the industry continues to adapt to post-pandemic realities, it is essential for organizations to stay responsive to these preferences. By offering flexible and inclusive work arrangements, companies can attract and retain top talent, foster a positive work culture, and remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic and diverse workforce.

The comprehensive nine-page PDF report aims to equip leaders with the knowledge, insights, and data points needed to make informed decisions about work scenarios. By focusing on both short and long-term strategies, organizations can create work environments that not only meet the needs of their employees but also drive business success.


The results presented in this report are based on a survey conducted by The Myers Report in June 2024, involving 3,462 advertising professionals. While the respondent base is representative of the media advertising community, it is important to note that the results are influenced by the characteristics of those who volunteered to respond to the survey request. Participation was incentivized with offerings such as contributions to continuing education or college loan relief, an Oculus Quest, and $50 gift certificates. The survey responses are subject to self-selection bias, meaning those who chose to participate may differ in significant ways from those who did not. As a result, the findings may not fully represent the views and experiences of the entire industry. The incentives offered for participation may have influenced the respondent pool, attracting individuals who were motivated by these rewards. While efforts were made to ensure a diverse and representative sample, caution should be exercised when generalizing these results to the broader population of media advertising professionals. The data collected is based on self-reported information, which can be subject to inaccuracies or biases inherent in self-reporting. The Myers Report aims to provide valuable insights into the media advertising community through regular reports. However, readers should consider these limitations when interpreting the findings and making decisions based on this report.

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