Saturday Night Live, NBC’s crown jewel, has always been known for its over-the-top and hilarious yet (often) socially conscious sketches. But this past weekend the show’s comedy stock rose even higher with the latest iteration of its fictional game show Black Jeopardy -- “Where the prize money is paid in installments.” Previous versions of the sketch have featured, among others, Elizabeth Banks, Drake and Tom Hanks (the most humorous being the latter), but with the recent success of the groundbreaking Marvel film Black Panther came the fake game show’s best celebrity guest yet -- King T’Challa himself (played by host Chadwick Boseman). Like Kenan Thompson’s host persona, Darnell Hayes, said, “This might just be the blackest Black Jeopardy yet!” It was; no contest. (Leslie Jones, Chris Redd and Chadwick Boseman are pictured above, left to right.)
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