Sometimes it’s useful to look at consumers in a unique way. Who among these people is your brand most interested in engaging? Let’s say the U.S. population were to suddenly be shrunk into one village of 100 people. Proportionately, here’s how that group would break down.
51 are women, 49 men
61 are white (non-Hispanic), 18 Hispanic, 13 African American, 1 Native American, 7 other
13 are from another village, 19 are going to visit another village this year
16 are pre-teens, 9 teens, 40 adults under the age of 50, 25 adults between 50-70, 10 adults over 70
90 are be right-handed, 10 are lefties
96 are professed heterosexual, 4 are professed LBGT
37 are single, 38 married
25 are children
74 are Christians (1/3 of which will be Evangelicals), 2 Jews, 1 Muslim, 5 other religions
18 practice no religion
57 have savings or investments of less than $1000
1 person owns 38% of the village wealth, the next 9 own 38% (4% each), the next 40 own 23% (1/2% each), the remaining 50 own 1% (or very, very, little each), and yet ...
96 own a TV, 92 have a cell phone, 84 own a computer, 58 are on Facebook, 15 use Twitter
32 have at least a bachelor’s degree
14 are illiterate
16 are blue-collar workers, 8 office workers or sales people, 7 managers or owners
7 have service jobs, 12 are in professions
1 is a doctor, 1 a lawyer
50 are not working
1 is in jail
62 own their own tent, 37 rent from the richest person, 1 sleeps outdoors
85 do not eat right according to the tribal council
63 are overweight or obese
3 are vegetarians, 2 consume 80% of the average brand
19 are Democrats, 14 Republicans, 25 Independents, 2 won’t answer
40 won’t vote or are not registered
1 will die, 1 will be born
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