The classic story of Annie, the scrappy but loveable New York City orphan, has stood the test of time, from page to stage and silver screen to television and back. In the beloved musical's past, stars such as Carol Burnett, Andrea McArdle, Kathy Bates, Audra McDonald, Victor Garber, Sarah Jessica parker, Jamie Foxx, Tim Curry and countless others have starred in the various adaptations of the story. (Yours truly even played the butler Drake at the Downtown Cabaret Theatre in Bridgeport, CT!) Some may think this Depression-era musical has been done to death, but NBC's Annie Live! – its sixth live musical production in as many years -- breathed new life into it with its star-studded cast, stunning choreography and production designs and an incredible performance at center from newcomer Celina Smith as Annie. MediaVillage was invited to attend the final dress rehearsal. Here is our review.
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