Navigating the Shift: Lessons from a Brand’s Move from TV to YouTube Ads

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In July 2024, Nielsen’s The Gauge™ report revealed a significant milestone: streaming now accounts for 41.5% of total TV usage, a 5% increase from June and the highest recorded share of time ever by Nielsen. Leading the charge is YouTube, outpacing competitors like Netflix, Prime Video, and Hulu. Streaming’s dominance means that your audience is spending less time with traditional TV and more time on platforms like YouTube. The implications are clear: If your advertising strategy is still rooted in traditional TV, you’re missing a significant portion of your audience. The question isn’t just whether to shift to digital but how to do it effectively.

This is why brands are increasingly rethinking their media mix from traditional TV to social video platforms like YouTube. This transition, while promising, comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities.

Solgaard, a direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand known for its innovative travel products, successfully navigated this shift and offers valuable lessons for traditional TV advertisers looking to make the switch to YouTube.

1. Diversify Your Media Mix

For years Solgaard focused heavily on Meta for its advertising. After finding initial success by expanding their mix to traditional TV, they realized that their strategy needed to evolve to reach today’s video consumers. Recognizing YouTube as the top video destination in the US, Solgaard saw an opportunity to engage a broader and more dynamic audience.

Greg Schwartz, Founder of Household.TV, a TV focused ad agency who works with Solgaard: “We saw a big unlock in scale when we turned on TV, but we knew we needed to diversify further. YouTube presented a unique opportunity to reach an audience that traditional TV couldn’t capture.”

By spreading their budgets across multiple channels, including TV, YouTube, and other digital platforms, Solgaard reduced their reliance on any single source. This diversification not only expanded their reach but also mitigated the risks associated with shifts in media consumption.

“Diversifying away from Meta and investing in other channels like YouTube has been crucial. It helps us not be so beholden to one platform on a week-to-week basis,” added Greg.

2. Leverage Contextual Targeting to Maximize Reach and Minimize Waste

One of YouTube's significant advantages over traditional TV is its ability to offer contextual targeting. Instead of relying solely on broad demographics, Solgaard partnered with Precise TV to ensure their ads were shown to viewers genuinely interested in their products. This targeted approach led to more effective placements and higher engagement rates.

Greg explained, “The compelling aspect of Precise TV’s approach is that it doesn’t buy ads based on demographics but on the content being viewed. This was crucial for us as we were new to YouTube advertising and wanted to waste as few impressions as possible.”

For brands new to YouTube, contextual targeting can be a game-changer. Instead of casting a wide net and hoping for the best, brands can precisely target their ads to content that aligns with their products, ensuring that their message reaches the most relevant audience in the most cost-effective way.

3. Adapt Your Creative for the Platform

Shifting from TV to YouTube required Solgaard to rethink its creative strategy. While their TV ads catered to a broad audience, YouTube demanded more tailored content. They experimented with different formats, including YouTube Shorts, to better engage with the YouTube audience.

Marcus Svensson, Head of Marketing for Solgaard noted, “We initially took our top TV creatives and pushed them over to YouTube. As we scaled up, we started focusing more on YouTube-specific content, which included repurposing UGC from TikTok that resonated well with our audience.”

The shift also allowed Solgaard to be more experimental with their creative content.

Greg shared an example of this, “We ran an ad featuring our founder dressed as a viking on TV, and it didn’t do well. But on YouTube, it performed great because it was unique and attention-grabbing. This taught us the value of adapting our creative approach for different platforms.”

For brands making the leap to YouTube, it’s crucial to recognize that the platform’s audience has different expectations. Creating content that is specifically designed for YouTube, and experimenting with formats and styles that work well on the platform, can significantly enhance engagement and effectiveness.

4. Measure Success with Post-Purchase Surveys

To evaluate the effectiveness of their YouTube campaigns, Solgaard used post-purchase surveys. These surveys provided insights into how customers discovered their products, enabling the team to adjust their strategies based on real feedback.

“We look at post-purchase survey responses to see the ratio of spend versus response. This helps us understand the effectiveness of each paid channel and adjust our strategy accordingly,” said Marcus.

Brands can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns by asking customers directly how they found the product. This feedback loop allows for continuous improvement and helps ensure that advertising dollars are being spent in the most effective way possible.

5. Partner with Experts to Navigate Complex Platforms with Success

Understanding the nuances of YouTube advertising, Solgaard chose to collaborate with experts like Precise TV. This partnership allowed them to focus on creative content while leaving the technical aspects of ad buying and placement to specialists.

Greg stated, “Having Precise TV handle our YouTube campaigns gave us confidence. Their expertise and depth of technology for YouTube allowed us to focus on the creative and understanding the audience reaction while they optimized the buying side.”

Solgaard also saw significant improvements in brand lift metrics. According to a brand lift study conducted with Precise TV earlier this year, Solgaard achieved a +20.80% lift in consideration and a +43.23% lift in awareness—well above Google’s benchmark of 10%.

For brands stepping into YouTube advertising, it can be highly beneficial to partner with experts who can manage the complexities of the platform and leverage contextual advertising technology to match their ads with the proper YouTube content.

This allows the brand to focus on what they do best, while ensuring that their campaigns are optimized for success.

6. Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy Continuously

One of the keys to Solgaard’s success was their ability to stay agile. They continuously monitored their ad performance and made adjustments as needed, ensuring their YouTube strategy remained aligned with their business goals and responsive to market changes.

“We continuously monitor our performance data and adjust our strategies. This agile approach ensures that our advertising efforts remain effective and aligned with our business objectives,” Marcus explained.

Brands that are agile and willing to adapt their strategies based on real-time performance data are more likely to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital advertising. Regular monitoring and adjustment are crucial to maintaining a campaign’s effectiveness.

7. Take Advantage of YouTube’s Interactive Features

YouTube offers interactive features that traditional TV doesn’t have, such as comment sections and community posts. Solgaard used these features to engage directly with viewers, building stronger relationships and gaining valuable feedback.

“YouTube’s interactive features have allowed us to build stronger relationships with our audience. Engaging directly with viewers provides us with valuable feedback and helps us refine our products and strategies,” Greg shared.


Your audience has already moved—has your video advertising strategy followed?

Transitioning from traditional TV to YouTube advertising is a big step for any brand, but with careful planning and execution, it can lead to remarkable results.

The best way to start? Test and learn. Start by reallocating a portion of your TV budget to YouTube. Track the performance closely and be prepared to adjust based on real-time data.

Embracing contextual targeting, diversifying the media mix, and continuously testing and adapting creative content are essential strategies for success. Additionally, partnering with experts and leveraging interactive features can provide brands with the tools and insights needed to thrive in the digital landscape.

With these strategies in place, brands can get their messages in front of the next generation of video consumers, providing new opportunities for growth and engagement, and ensuring their continued success.

Posted at MediaVillage through the Thought Leadership self-publishing platform.

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