Beverly Hills, CA -- National Geographic has always been known for its outsize marketing acumen. One look at its signature yellow rectangle, even without audio, editorial or photographic images, and hundreds of millions of people around the world instantly know and understand what’s on hand. So, it may not be entirely fair to single Nat Geo out as the best at branding itself even at the twice-yearly Television Critics Association tours. While it’s true that every network that presents it programming at TCA tours works very hard to do so, and even harder to stand out amid the approximately 150-plus press conferences and other events typically scheduled during them, tour after tour Nat Geo always rises to the top (as it has for many years now). We are one week into the Summer 2019 tour, and with 30 cable and streaming services already in the rear-view mirror Nat Geo has done it again, earning what I call the Best Branding of a Brand at TCA Award.

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