Mindshare Video: When in Doubt, Add A Puppy

Culture Vulture - Mindshare InSites
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On this episode of Culture Vulture Live, Amanda Atkins takes a deep dive into the Safe Havens trend that we've identified at Mindshare.

According to ICM, the average person owned 156 CDs in 2005.  Today, we have instant access to more than two billion Spotify playlists.  With seemingly endless content options, the world seems more complex than ever.

Our research at Mindshare shows that consumers are feeling the effects, with 67% saying they "find the world to be increasingly complex."  And having too many options takes a toll on decision-making.  Many people feel paralyzed by choice -- nearly half say they sometimes "spend more time trying to decide what to watch than actually watching something."

Others fall back on safe bets: over half of consumers admit to watching an entire TV series multiple times.  Interestingly, Netflix research shows that four out of five Canadian members have watched Netflix with their pet.  The majority (61%) actually find pets to be the best binge partners.  

Whatever content people choose, it's an escape from the anxiety of everyday life.  From our research, nearly two-thirds of people say they "use content to take my mind off of negative things going on in the world."

As shows and movies play a bigger role in one's identity, escapism goes beyond a solo pursuit or something you just do with your pets.  From Meetup groups hosting Westworld watch parties to conventions like Comic-Con and RTX, content lovers are herding together to form collective escapism.

Some brands go a step further.  Luxury online fashion platform Ssense has a Montreal flagship store that gives customers the chance to engage with art and design programming, as well as the items available for purchase.  In The Globe and Mail, co-founder Rami Atallah has said that "Experience is maybe an overloaded word nowadays, but it's really about being able to touch people emotionally and make people feel like they're part of the community."

For marketers, it is important to find ways to simplify your messaging or block out excess noise in the age of complexity, as well as determine how your product or brand can create a "safe haven" for consumers.  Does your tentpole strategy align with consumer's changing behaviors?  Is there any way to integrate a puppy into your shopper experience?

For more episodes of Culture Vulture Live and information on the latest in adaptive marketing visit MindshareInTheLoop.com.

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