MFM Annual Conference Post-Session Interview: ANA's Sonia David on B2B Marketer-Media Finance Partnerships (VIDEO)

MFM's 2024 Annual Conference was filled with finance pros eager to learn the latest on AI, streaming trends, valuations, and other topics critical to their roles. But the conference also featured several sessions on other issues for which their skills and decisions come into play -- such as the buy and sell sides of media, and Sonia David, Vice President of B2B Marketing Programs for the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) joined a panel of her peers for a session titled "Understanding the New Economics of Media Buying and Selling." In this post-session interview, David sat down with Jack Myers, Founder of MediaVillage, who also moderated the panel, to discuss the increasingly important role finance teams play in the advertising ecosystem.

Watch this interview to learn what the breakout covered, including what David called "a renaissance in the need for companies to brand their companies and services," which she said entails finance officers having more involvement in collaborating with both internal and external marketing teams. Myers posited that the CROs' goal is "to get to the client," but added it's the financial teams who hold the reins on purchasing and procurement budgets. When asked "How important is education, knowledge and understanding?" David stated, "It has to be a level of partnership, which is even stronger than collaboration. It means constant communication and open dialogue to make sure all parties get what they need. When we grow, everyone else grows."

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