Amidst the stream of holiday inspired fare leading up to Christmas, CBS provides a stand-out with its premiere of Must Love Christmas. Led by Liza Lapira of The Equalizer and co-starring Neal Bledsoe and Nathan Witte, the film is a refreshing take on the tried-and-true narrative of a writer suffering from writer's block, who returns home finding love along the way. But thanks to great performances by its leads, and some surprising tweaks to the formula, this one is surprisingly refreshing. The role was also a nice change for Lapira, whom fans will get to see in a different light. “What’s first and foremost in my mind is I am really excited for viewers to see me play [a character] vastly different,” Lapira revealed while promoting the movie. “My character Mel in The Equalizer is much more self-assured, to put it mildly, and much more aggressive than Natalie in this movie, so I get a kick out of that.

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