Based on the ratings for and media excitement surrounding the long-delayed second season of HBO's Gen Z psychodrama Euphoria, it appears that we have identified the first big buzzy series of 2022. To which I say good for HBO, and for the show’s very talented young cast -- and OMG, maybe this decade really is the end of days. I haven't seen a drama about young people so choked in darkness and anxiety since ABC's 1994 classic My So-Called Life (which on reflection seems as sunny as an afternoon at Sweet Valley High when compared to Euphoria) and, more recently, Generation on HBO Max, which is very similar in many ways to Euphoria, except that its characters are largely detestable, while the screw-ups on Euphoria are somewhat sympathetic and, dare I say, relatable? (By that I mean we have all f*cked up at one time or another, especially in our teens and twenties, right? Though if memory serves our values were not necessarily toxic as those of the "kids" in these shows.)

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