My personal work in masculinity studies makes the new Gillette "We Believe" campaign personally very gratifying, as I hope it is for everyone. Marc Pritchard, Chief Brand Officer of P&G and inductee into the Advancing Diversity Hall of Honors at CES last week, credits "the amazing team from Gillette, led by Brand Director Pankaj Bhalla, who have stepped up to take on one of the most important issues of our time -- toxic masculinity." "["We Believe"] defies the convention that 'boys will be boys,' which is just an excuse for bad behavior," Pritchard says. "It demonstrates that it's not ok to just stand by … men need to step up to stop harassment, bullying, stereotyping, diminishing and objectification. Becoming 'the best a man can be' means being part of the solution by moving from inaction to being a role model for positive action for themselves, their loved ones, their peers and for the next generation of men -- and this campaign brings that to life in a powerful way. I'm so proud of this campaign and of the Gillette team, their partners at Grey and film director Kim Gehrig for redefining what it means to be 'The Best a Man Can Get.'"

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