Five B2B Best Practices for Corporate Communications

ADVICE FROM JACK MYERS FOR MEDIAVILLAGE MEMBER COMPANIES. SCROLL DOWN FOR FIVE BEST PRACTICES FOR CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS. Like most small businesses MediaVillage is impacted by COVID-19. During this time, I’ll be the primary MediaVillage member contact ( along with Mark Altschuler ( Together, let’s assure that you and your teams are optimizing your MediaVillage membership. Following are B2B Best Practices that your corporate communications team can apply to successfully navigate through this crisis. MediaVillage KnowledgeExchange is the home for our members’ crisis communiqués, economic insights, data trends and emerging business strategies. Link to each member’s dedicated KnowledgeExchange content marketing site at MediaVillage KnowledgeExchange to stay connected and up-to-date. MediaVillage is hosting Virtual Upfront & Relief fund-raising initiative with 24 Leaders 24 Zoom Fireside Chats focused on Collective Leadership for Renewal and Growth between April 15 and July 17. Call or email me to schedule your executive’s Leadership Conversation. Download available below.

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An investor friend pointed out that the Covid-19 business impact is accelerating already existing industry and corporate business challenges. Companies that have positive fundamentals will emerge stronger; those with core business problems will be weaker. Advertisers and other stakeholders will focus their attention and investments on enterprises that maintained their momentum and communicated their strengths and post-crisis growth potential.

Jack Myers

With over five decades of experience in corporate leadership, B2B research, management insights, and technological trends, Jack Myers is a visionary leader and a trusted source for guidance and preparation as generative AI and machine intelligence dominates … read more