Erin Cahill steps out of the familiar Hallmark Media holiday space this weekend with the premiere of Hearts in the Game (alongside Marco Grazzini). The network favorite has called Hallmark home since 2016, beginning with the movie Sleigh Bells Ring, and after seven years, Hallmark remains a welcome place to be. "I was just saying to a friend that I am so lucky to have found my home with Hallmark," she said during a recent exclusive interview with MediaVillage. "I've been in the business and have been so fortunate that it’s been my job for 20-something years. To have Hallmark find me has been the biggest blessing. I'm pretty sure everybody there is like, 'Erin, we get it, you're so happy to be here,' because every time there's a party, or I'm on a set, I e-mail everybody [saying], 'This is a dream. I'm so thankful!"

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