Emily Staples of Publicis on What GenZ Needs to Know About Commerce (Video)

Emily Staples is the Senior Associate Commerce Strategist at Publicis Commerce. She is responsible for a variety of tasks including "building and nurturing internal relationships between Publicis Commerce and Publicis agencies through leading monthly partnership meetings, steering cross-agency best practices and connections, and acting as point person for commerce resources and materials." She also is in charge of "consulting all Publicis agencies on emerging commerce trends including social commerce, shoppable livestreams and Web3" and "crafting brand stories through commerce capabilities decks for companies such as Marriott, General Motors and GSK."

In this #AskGenZ conversation, Emily shares the three things that stand out for her when she thinks of GenZ and commerce. And she touches on using one's mishaps as growing and learning experiences rather than beating oneself up and how kindness is the most important quality to bring into any work environment.

For more information about Publicis Groupe, click here. To recommend Gen Z interview candidates, please e-mail kellykozakevich@gmail.com.

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Kelly Kozakevich

Kelly Kozakevich is host of MediaVillage.com’s #Ask-GenZ and In the Loop. #Ask-GenZ is a video interview series focused on the talent, leadership, and voices within the media industry that influence the demographic born into the Internet and Mobile age… read more