Claritas Releases the Most Comprehensive and Representative Demographic and Cartographic Data Available to Help Marketers Achieve Superior ROI

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Claritas’ “Beyond Census” Data Rises in Importance as Marketers Have Immediate Access to Deep and Inclusive Data and Insights About the U.S. Population

ClaritasTM a data-driven marketing leader that leverages a proprietary identity graph to help marketers achieve superior ROI, today announced the general availability of its Demographic and Cartographic Data update, the most comprehensive and representative measurements and projections of the U.S. population currently available.

Claritas’ news is particularly timely as last month the U.S. government indicated that it is changing the way it collects and reports on the U.S. population when conducting its Census to increase its accuracy. Fortunately, Claritas customers do not need to wait for access to superior demographic and cartographic data as Claritas’ proprietary methodology already measures and reports on the U.S. population at a much deeper and broader level.

“One of the key reasons we generally released this data today is that when the government recently shared the news that it was revamping its methodology to yield a more accurate census of people with Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and North African heritage, marketers realized how big the gaps are across much of the data in the market now,” said Ron Cohen, Senior Vice President, Practice Leadership at Claritas.  “Our demographic and cartographic data always went beyond the census for this and other reasons because it simply isn’t enough for marketers to achieve the outcomes they deserve.”

Unlike the U.S. Census and the majority of other measurement approaches, Claritas’ U.S. population measurement methodology:

  • Samples the entire U.S. population versus a fraction.
  • Projects the total population from the base (starting year) of the current year’s estimates to the five-year estimate down to the block group level.
  • This creates the age distribution for the current year and then ages the population forward to the next age group for the five-year projection, which includes surviving the population from one age group to the next.
  • Creates projections at the subnational level as it is crucial to be able to distinguish between the population living in households and the population living in group quarters such as nursing homes, college housing, military quarters, or correctional facilities. This is because household population tends to age in place while group quarters age distributions are more static over time, so distinguishing between the two is critical for estimating in local markets.
  • Has a very low bias, as seen in the analysis report Claritas Evaluation of 2020 Estimates against 2020 Census Results
  • Gives marketers access to U.S. population data specific to:
    • Population by age and sex
    • Race and ethnicity by age and sex
    • Households by age of the hoU.S.eholder
    • Household size
    • Household composition
    • Tenure (owner or renter)
    • Households by race/ethnicity of householder

According to the Association of National Advertisers, marketers today must adapt their brand and marketplace strategies to more effectively leverage demographic changes and better champion diversity because inclusion and equality have never been more important to our society or critical to business success.

Regarding race and ethnicity, Claritas data is particularly valuable to marketers because measurements like the U.S. Census are only now evolving to provide deeper analysis within multicultural populations to provide more specific demographics within communities that identify as Hispanic, North African, and Middle Eastern.

As Claritas data has shown for many years:

  • Nearly half of the U.S. population identifies as multicultural and that number is expected to grow over the next few years.
  • 58% of the projected population growth will come from the Hispanic segment.
  • Hispanics now account for 20 percent of the U.S. population, with a majority (53%) identifying as white, up from 21% in 2020, making this the fastest growing in the nation.
  • At 21.1 million, Asians now account for 6.2% of the total U.S. population
  • Currently, there are just over 147 million Americans who identify as multicultural, making up 43% of the total population. That number is expected to reach 47% by 2028

In addition to this data, the next releases of Claritas’ Demographic and Cartographic data will also share:

  • Language spoken at home
  • Foreign-born population
  • Population by race, ethnicity and educational attainment

“This and a trove of other insights Claritas’ Demographic and Cartographic Data unearths is vital for advertisers who are looking to craft personalized messaging that will resonate with different segments,” said Cohen “While the census data is a good start, it simply does not provide a deep enough look into these demographics and other cultural insights marketers count on to drive success.”

For more information about Claritas Demographic and Cartographic Solutions, please visit its latest:

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