The opening line from Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities is very much on my mind at the top of this holiday season. There's a best of times and worst of times ambience present when it comes to covering the television medium. On the best end, there's a wide variety of developments to track and make sense of for someone's benefit, from the multitude of scripted programming and efforts to have that multitude be more inclusive to women and people of color, to what smart TV sets and devices can do via apps, to new frontiers like virtual and augmented reality. The worst of times aspect is one of access. I'm talking about access to the executives and entrepreneurs who wake and shake the medium up with their initiatives. The ability to meet them in person, engage them in conversation and document what they say for readers, be they media professionals or consumers of their product. Increasingly, there is a sense that this level of access is now endangered.

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