Watch the Cadent's Virtual Upfront Event livestreamed at MediaVillage today, Wednesday April 7, from 10:30a-12:00p ET.
Be sure to catch Jack Myers' moderating the session focusing on how Upfronts will change for 2021–22 and beyond. Panelists for this session include GroupM Mindshare's Gibbs Haljun, Initiative's Maureen Bosetti, Horizon Next Investment;s Michael O'Connor and Amplifi's Mike Law.
Jack's second session, CTV and Accountability will explore CTV's rapid acceleration and why marketers and agencies are demanding more visibilities into buys. Panelist for this session include Mediahub Global's Carrie Drinkwater, Empower's Cathy Shaffner, TWO NIL Holdings' Mark Zamuner and TCA's Amie Smith.
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