Kai Wright's keynote conversation with AdvancingDiversity.org founder Jack Myers can be viewed on-demand here. I recently had the pleasure of attending the Jack Myers Leadership Conversation– Diversity and Media Education Summit-- virtually, of course -- where I sat in on several conversations about the "Future of Education for Media, Marketing, Advertising & Journalism – for Industry Professionals, Educators, Students, & Job Seekers." I don't think that this event could possibly have occurred at a more appropriate moment, and Jack Myers (founder of both MediaVillage and AdvancingDiversity.org), who moderated this particular meeting of the minds, shared a similar sentiment, calling now "an especially relevant, critical, and pivotal time for education -- in America, and around the world." The summit – which included a panel containing Dean Gracie Lawson-Borders, Department Head Andrea Press, and Dean Mark Lodato of Howard University, University of Virginia, and Syracuse University, respectively – kicked off with a keynote conversation between Myers and Kai Wright, founder and curator of blacklist100.

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