Amazon Prime Video's sizzling hot animated series Invincible follows the adventures of an eponymous teenaged superhero who only just recently got his superpowers. Created by Robert Kirkman (the same man who created both The Walking Dead and the comic the show is based on), it features the vocal talents of TWD's Steven Yeun as "Invincible," aka Mark Grayson; the indomitable J.K. Simmons as Mark's father, the Superman-esque "Omni-man," aka Nolan Grayson; Killing Eve's Sandra Oh as Mark's human mother, Debbie Grayson, and Atlanta's Zazie Beetz as Mark's high school love interest, Amber Bennett. Aesthetically, Invincible looks just like every respectable animated feature that D.C. has ever put out, and the characters we're introduced to during what ends up be a surprisingly impactful and damn shocking first episode, including a super group called Guardians of the Globe, are straight up parallels to D.C.'s own Justice League. Why? To lure us into a false sense of security, of course. The simple set up, the reminiscent faces, the familiar-ish style of animation … it's all meant to make us comfortable, so we don't expect what we all should've seen coming from a dangerous dynamo like Kirkman: The proverbial table flip.
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