Video: Advancing Diversity Honoree -- IAB's Randall Rothenberg

By MediaVillage Education Foundation Archives
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When Randall Rothenberg, President/CEO of IAB, accepted his first post-college job at The Nation, he noticed a startling reality: the industry’s interns were all wealthy white kids.  That seminal experience shaped his desire to make an impact.  “You’ve got to start reflecting what your customers look like and what your workforce needs to look like,” Rothenberg said, as he was inducted into the Diversity Hall of Honors for the IAB Education Foundation’s iDiverse initiative at the Advancing Diversity Honors held January 10 during CES.

The iDiverse initiative, supported and named by partner Tim Armstrong, CEO of Oath, provides a course in digital media, marketing and ad operations for diverse, underrepresented candidates with a certification program that then aims to match graduates with IAB member companies.  See the full video above and view all the 2018 Advancing Diversity Honorees at

Click to watch the Advancing Diversity Honoree videos below:

Aline Santos - Unilever

Angela Talton - Nielsen

Kay Koplovitz - Springboard Enterprises

Lisa Sherman - Ad Council

Megan Hobson - EY

Michael Roth - IPG

Randall Rothenberg - IAB

Ruth Hedges - Crowdfunding Roadmap Inc.

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