Both sides agree that the "business as usual" immigration policies no longer work, and that the USA must come up with a new approach and sign it into law.
Both sides minus some radical extremists recognize the value of having immigration into the USA continue.
At the same time, unless one has the right system for dealing with immigrants, they could wind up failing in the USA, even becoming a drag on the economy.
The solution would be to ensure that the immigrants find, and are able to get, the right training, and the right jobs.
The U.S. government would not necessarily be the right ones to undertake all of the details themselves. Probably a small contingent of patriotic idealists could get the job (to be defined momentarily) done within the Federal government, outsourcing the heavy lifts to an inclusive network of existing and new app developers who help connect the right employers with the right employees (e.g., And other already-trained outsource entities to take over other parts of the project.
To the degree that there can be an initial focus of this very broad task, its chances of success increase dramatically. In other words, yes, people are diverse and unique, there will be very long tails of job types for immigrants today. But what if a significant percentage of them could find jobs quickly by focusing on one specific need and job type?
Today, in the USA, there exist tens of millions of people who could afford a full-time live-in assistant to do everything for them. As the population ages, this will only increase.
The government would need a process (and outsource agencies e.g., The Human Effectiveness Institute, many staffing specialist companies, marketing research companies, psychological/neuroscience companies, et al) who can, in a scaled-up and user-friendly Internet interface, plus limited Zoom interviews, create dossiers on immigrants of extremely high value to job placement optimization.
If a retired teacher would prefer to have a well-read helper, the match could be made as specific as interest in literature of specific provenance, or any other interest shared by the employer and candidate.
The employer and employee would both sign a government form with boilerplate terms and conditions, plus a customized statement of work and agreement on minimum term of the engagement. For example, theft or any other criminal act would have consequences of immediate deportation/can never return, but normal innocence until proven guilty laws would apply.
A key agreement item would be that the employer would make best efforts to help the employee learn what America is all about, how to make it here, including the employer’s making specific suggestions about the areas in which the employee expresses interest as a career. The app would offer full backup services to help the employer fulfil this condition.
The app would continue into the actual job, automatically tracking certain parts of the total client-assistant process such as emails and texts between the parties about what is needed and Q and A and challenges/client proposed solutions to getting tasks done, etc.
The probable market segments are something like this:
High End: Can afford room/board, plus $20/hour for full time with a cap of e.g., $600/week. (includes a group who would not require any cap to ensure round-the-clock service)
Middle Market: Room/board plus $16/hour with lower cap.
Broad Market: Room/board plus $100+/week plus training.
The two upper groups could also use training in their negotiations.
The minimum term of service for the greatest service to the employers might be 24 months, because on the job training will always involve time investment by the employers, and employers will be vexed if the turnover were high and they must repeat the training every year with someone new. By the end of the 24 months, both parties would hopefully be happy for the time which they’ve had together, what they’ve learned from each other, and from being with each other; they would stay in touch, and the new person would be trained for months by the old person.
Of course, the same system would be available for the free use by all Americans, to help them find their dream jobs, and plan the steps to their ultimate goals. A probably small segment of Americans might even seek to compete for the jobs as a live-in assistant. Having this optimization system built out could turn out to be a much more important part of the positive future than just about immigrants. Much of the existential frustration providing fertile soil for exploitation by authoritarians comes from people not doing the work they would love.
This would be an American system, built on fairness and consideration for everyone -- and implemented with American ingenuity and sensibilities to make the process a positive experience instead of deadly paperwork, boredom and mediocrity. The rest of the world would gradually copy it and make their own improvements.
It would also be the example we have needed of the new types of laws and thinking about laws required by this new age of naked instant information, which transforms us out of the old world in much less time than any species ought to be asked to adapt to something so unimaginable from the old point of view.
But this is the universe’s game, and it is driven by the universe’s perception of our upper-end possibilities -- what we can succeed at if we give it our all.
When together we all win this one, we will be accorded more powers and bigger challenges.
Back to immigration. By such a new immigration policy, we would not only turn lemons into lemonade (a problem into a sort of mass do-it-yourself university, a new twist on crowdsourcing), we would also provide Congress with a template to emulate for solving all of the other insoluble problems. They are literally insoluble currently, because Congress cannot think beyond the current mindset. Therefore, please forward this to your Congressman, so that they may become transformed into being able to see the new win/win reality optimized for naked instant information (NII).
The template applied without further explanation would be confusing; how would you apply the proposed new immigration policy template to the problem of gun control?
The law says that individual States can make these rules. There will be a lot of population movement in the next few years caused by State’s Rights. Certain States will have the strictest gun control laws and the highest growth rates. However, no longterm rational option exists to change people’s urge to have personal weapons of war, and especially their propensity to be irresponsible and dangerous with those weapons, except accelerated mind training; the acceleration of which is underway but not forecast to reach scale fast enough for this, although highly desirable.
What is the connection in terms of replicable structure between the two proposals, the proposed new immigration policy and the proposed action on the gun control front.
Both start from a blank slate. No going-in biases.
Big picture perspective. Zoom back and look again.
Longterm perspective.
Set Up A System. SUAS. This is the key. Be alchemists and turn insoluble political problems into code that upholds a human process to get certain things done.
Include mind training.
That’s a full list of the major ingredients in the template for creation of new laws and improvements of old laws. The new lens to look at it through.
Posted at MediaVillage through the Thought Leadership self-publishing platform.
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