A New Excerpt from Inclusion: Diversity, the New Workplace & the Will to Change

Jennifer Brown is an award-winning entrepreneur, dynamic speaker and diversity and inclusion expert. Informed by more than a decade consulting to Fortune 500 companies, her new book entitled Inclusion: Diversity, the New Workplace & the Will To Change (Advantage Media Group, November Fall 2016) creates a compelling case for leadership to embrace the opportunity that diversity represents, for their own growth and for the success of their organizations, while simultaneously empowering advocates at all levels to find their voice and be a driving force in creating more enlightened organizations that resonate in a fast-changing world. Below, we present a third excerpt from this relevant book, which is now more timely than ever. Be sure to read the first and second excerpts recently published here at MediaVillage.com.

The book Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, made tremendous waves when it was published in 2013. It was a clear call from a successful woman to other women mainly about managing their careers more intentionally, more boldly, and paying attention differently to the rules of the game. I appreciated Sandberg’s call to step up, not to play small, and not to hesitate in negotiating salary or moves up the ladder.

In her TED Talk, Sandberg described how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers and urged them to be fearless and bold.  She expanded upon these ideas in Lean In: “Women need to shift from thinking, I’m not ready to do that,to thinking, I want to do that -- and I’ll learn by doing it.” I would define the restraint or “I’m-not-ready-ness” as the collateral impact of stories we tell ourselves about our worth, our value and 

Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown is an award-winning entrepreneur, dynamic speaker and diversity and inclusion expert. She is the founder, president and CEO of Jennifer Brown Consulting (JBC), a strategic leadership and diversity consulting firm that coaches business leaders … read more