Some recognizable names were heard a lot in the same sentence a few years back: The Walking Dead, Mad Men, Breaking Bad ...and Arlene Manos. Recognizable for more than her signature red-frame eyeglasses, Manos is also known as a powerhouse in the ad sales and television industries via an arsenal of top-performing shows, first at A+E then AMC Networks. Episode 9 of Insider InSites is a conversation with the President Emeritus of Ad Sales for AMC Networks on her upcoming induction into the IRTS Hall of Mentorship, taking risks, forging new ground and mentors. Manos (pictured at top) describes the skills for selling spots and spotting top talent. The transcript below has been edited for clarity and length. To hear more about Arlene's career you can listen to the entire conversation here, through our player below, or on Stitcher. You may subscribe to all our Insider InSites podcasts on Apple podcasts.

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