Three Reasons Local Broadcast TV News is Most Trusted, Most Valued

TVB InSites
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In a year of the unpredictable, where a presidential election can be rearranged in the blink of an eye, hurricanes can make their entrance in the unprecedented month of June and the economic outlook weighs heavily on consumers – audiences may wonder where to turn for consistent, reliable news. A recent study commissioned by TVB and conducted by Dynata sheds light on just how crucial local TV news remains in the daily lives of its viewers across America. The study, which surveyed over 3,000 respondents, unearthed several compelling insights that underscore the pivotal role of local broadcast TV in people's lives:

A Trusted Source:

  • Local broadcast TV was the most trusted news source while social media was the least trusted. Whether someone is experiencing severe weather, following a sports team, or tracking a key election race, a majority of respondents turn to local broadcast TV news to keep them informed.
  • The study also found that 76% of those who use station websites/apps also consume local TV news on television, highlighting the complementary role these platforms play in viewers' media diets. As several of our studies have shown – it's not "either or," it's "and."

Localism: Strong Connection with their Communities

  • Among its viewers, local broadcast TV news is the number one source for news, not just local news, but all news in general. And why is that? Local TV stations have cultivated strong brands over decades, rooted in their ability to deliver news that is not only relevant but deeply connected to the communities they serve. Half of local news viewers select it as being the most involved in their local community. Eight out of ten, specifically cited “I want information that pertains to the area I live in” as the top reason for watching local TV.

Viewer Commitment and Consistency:

  • We found that nine out of ten respondents watch local broadcast TV news at least once a week with most of them watching daily. They value it so much that 73% said they were likely to drop a provider or look for other options if they stopped carrying their local news station.
  • Local broadcast TV news is the lifeblood of local communities. It is unique in its ability to deliver news from a local perspective, foster community engagement, and build enduring trust. Local broadcast TV provides a great venue for advertisers wanting to associate with a trusted, believable platform, to showcase their product and services.

This article was written by Hadassa Gerber, Chief Research Officer, TVB.

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